Anachronist - Anachronist's Self-Titled Album

(Self-release 2017)

You may know Anachronist as the guy who used the cover image that was later used by mega-band Imagine Dragons. But did you know that he is also an accomplished synthwave artist? You probably did. 

Anachronist's Self-Titled Album does not take itself too seriously. It is just trying to have fun. And it is fun. Only, I don't sense much feeling in this one. So really it comes down to what kind of musical experience you are looking for. Do you want something a bit silly, a bit tongue-in-cheek that features strong composition and production values? Or are you looking for music with an emotional core? I usually want something with more feeling, but I can appreciate Anachronist's Self-Titled Album for being good at being what it is. I would certainly recommend it to the right person. It may be a better fit for you than for me.

Score: 7.0


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