Android Automatic - Mojave

(Self-release 2016)

One of the classic synthwave cliches is a sports car driving through the night. Usually this is fast paced, a race against time, which is where we get the name outrun. Android Automatic takes that idea, but alternates between the classic outrun style and a dreamier variety. He has amassed a cult following in the process, with fans who are very enthusiastic about his music.

Alas, I have not fallen in love with Mojave. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea. I also appreciate some of the compositional flourishes, like on the title track or the lovely "Boardwalk '82." The production values are also clean and pleasing to the ear, with some really great sounding synths and drums. There is also none of the excessive loudness you find so often with synthwave.

But many of the songs feel like they are missing something. "Sex in a Dream," for example, has no real melody. Not all music needs to be melodic, but this one is begging for some kind of lead. So, to me, Mojave feels like the collection of instrumentals that sometimes follows a vocal heavy release. It is definitely high quality, but there is that missing something.

Score: 7.0


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