Betamaxx - Archaic Science

(Rossa Corsa 2017)

Betamaxx is an old school outrun producer, but unlike most practitioners of that style--which tends to all sound the same--Betamaxx is a creative producer who often defies expectations.

While I prefer his previous album, Plug and Play, Archaic Science is still very good, and takes risks that few producers are willing to take. The delay-heavy guitars on "Abyss" are a a great example. When most synthwave producers introduce guitars, it's to shred. These guitars are pure atmosphere. The song is smooth and clean but not in that cliche "endless summer of 83" way. There is of course some shred on the excellent "Black Pantera," courtesy of Mike McG. My other favorite track is "Heart Strings," which features Rat Rios on vocals.

The only problem with Archaic Science is that the filler tracks aren't that memorable. I listen to them, feel that I am enjoying them, and then promptly forget what they are like. So while Archaic Science is not Betamaxx at his best, it is still a strong album that would be great for a night drive or afterparty.

Score: 8.5


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