Kiile - Kiile

(NRW 2017)

If you like your synthwave old school, then Kiile's self-titled album is for you. Many people have likened Kiile to legendary producer MPM Soundtracks, and I agree, the album Kiile is the closest we will probably get to a new MPM release. It is not quite a new MPM release, though.

Kiile has some real standout tracks. My favorites are "Dancing with a Ghost" and "Strangers in the Night," which is a collaboration with duo Future Holotape. On the other hand, like a lot of synthwave albums, Kiile struggles to sustain this high level of quality across the full 45 minutes. The filler tracks are all pretty boring, though the album closes strong with "Meeting Up" and "Out Here Alone."Overall, a better-than-average release that features a few killer tracks.

Score: 8.0


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